HellFire Commission

Now that I see it like this, these chicks look a little funny . . . definitely lopsided as their footing is unbalanced, with scrawny legs and unbalanced proportions up top. I’m sure that some of you can glean that I like big tits, but this just doesn’t feel right, which is odd but perhaps I’ve got rust and need to get a sense of my proportions again .
Se La Vi. Perhaps I’ll learn one day.

This is a commission for a one of those guys that has always believed in me and my ability, even though I let him down on a great comic property that he developed around 2012 or 2013 titled “The Unforgiven”.

I had just gotten back on Facebook, after a long time away from the social media platform, and he appeared with smiles and requested a commission, which was really cool as I always think the the collaborators that I bail on for comic projects hate me for ever. I know I would hate a flake like me for dropping out on something with such high potential, and there have been a few opportunities like this that I’ve let go. Just a shame really, we could be pop culture legends by now, who knows.

Anyway, I’m gald to have a great creator like my latest commissioner in my corner after all of this time when I’ve only failed him in the past.

If there are any creators out there that would like to INK or COLOR over this drawing and fix some of the ailments of this drawing, I would be very honored.

Thanks for looking and if there is anything that you would like to take a look around the store and see if there is something that you might like to purchase, that would be most excellent!

Thanks & I hope you enjoy,