Thought Tank Games

These are a series of cards that I did for Thought Tank Games for the Superhero Game  POWER, due out in 2013. These 12 images are for and expansion series to be available separately from the main game.

The first 6 images are of the character Dr. Prometheus (who’s name I spelled wrong in copyright disclaimer) who is a character with a great ability and a formidable character to contend with.

Prometheous_01-ColorR  Prometheous_02-Color  Prometheous_04-ColorR

Prometheous_04-ColorR Prometheous_05-Color Prometheous_06-Color

The next six are of the metal monster Meltdown who also appears to be an indomitable hand full too. I’m of the idea that these characters are of the bad guy persuasion. . . but I’m not entirely sure.

MeltDown-01-Color MeltDown-06-ColorR MeltDown-05-Color
MeltDown-03-Color MeltDown-02-ColorR

As you may have seen from some of the other examples of my art on this site, that I’m not a colorist by any stretch of the imagination and I think that my inexperience shows here. While I think that there are some redeeming qualities about in each of these images, I feel that there is something more that I could have done here to make these images better, more authentic. I have another set of 12 coming together in January of 2013 and I hope to apply what I’ve learned here with some other ideas to see what can come of it.

Thanks for looking – EJ